Team Compass Assessment

The Roadmap to Success: Leveraging Team Development Stages with the AceUp Team Compass

Imagine having a roadmap that reveals where your team is on its journey to greatness. Understanding the stage of team development is like having this roadmap, and it’s crucial for making the most of the AceUp Team Compass insights. The Tuckman Model—comprising Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning stages—offers a valuable lens for interpreting your team’s dynamics and performance. By aligning these stages with the data from the Team Compass, you can gain deeper insights into your team’s current needs. This approach allows you to tailor your strategies effectively, ensuring you support your team’s growth and enhance overall performance.

Take a moment to reflect on your team’s current dynamics. If you notice that conflicts are frequent, roles aren’t clear, and morale is fluctuating, your team might be in the Storming stage, grappling with challenges and changes. On the other hand, if trust is growing, roles are clear, and communication is improving, you could be in the Norming stage, where the team is starting to gel and work more smoothly. Understanding where you are helps you focus on what’s needed to move forward—whether it’s addressing lingering conflicts or refining your goals and strategies for even better performance.

Now, look at your report. How is that reflected? Does that align with your thinking?

While there are many factors to consider, the higher the results, the more likely your team is aligned on their perspectives and moving towards becoming a high-performing team.

That is your roadmap. Now, let’s focus on what strategies you and your team can implement.


Forming Stage


  • Team members are getting acquainted.
  • Roles and responsibilities still need to be clarified.
  • Team dynamics and relationships are still being established.

How Team Compass Report may reflect dynamics of Forming:

  • Purpose and Strategy Alignment: Low scores may indicate that team members are unsure about how their individual objectives align with the team’s goals.
  • Role Clarity & Accountability: Expect ambiguity in roles and responsibilities, leading to lower ratings in clarity and accountability.
  • Communication & Collaboration: Initial communication may be hesitant or formal, affecting collaboration scores.

How to Use the Report:

  • Focus on Alignment: Use insights to clarify team goals and individual roles. Facilitate discussions to align personal objectives with the team’s mission.
  • Enhance Communication: Implement structured communication practices and set up regular check-ins to build rapport and openness among team members.
  • Define Roles Clearly: Establish and communicate clear roles and responsibilities to reduce confusion.


Storming Stage


  • Conflicts and disagreements emerge as team members assert their views.
  • Differences in opinions and working styles come to the forefront.

How Team Compass Report may reflect dynamics of Storming:

  • Conflict Resolution & Trust Building: Expect lower scores in how conflicts are managed and how trust is built.
  • Team Cohesion & Morale: Morale may be lower due to ongoing conflicts and misunderstandings.
  • Performance Improvement & Decision-Making: Decision-making processes may be hindered by conflicts and lack of alignment.

How to Use the Report:

  • Address Conflicts: Use the report to identify specific areas where conflicts are impacting performance. Facilitate conflict resolution and trust-building exercises.
  • Improve Morale: Implement strategies to improve team cohesion and morale, such as team-building activities and open discussions.
  • Refine Decision-Making: Focus on improving decision-making processes by promoting collaboration and addressing areas of disagreement.


Norming Stage


  • Team members start to work more cohesively.
  • Roles and responsibilities are clearer, and norms are established.

How Team Compass Report may reflect dynamics of Norming:

  • Role Clarity & Accountability: Scores should improve as roles become more defined and accountability is reinforced.
  • Communication & Collaboration: Communication becomes more effective, leading to higher scores in collaboration.
  • Team Cohesion & Morale: Enhanced team cohesion and morale are reflected in improved ratings.

How to Use the Report:

  • Reinforce Norms: Use the report to reinforce and build on established norms and practices. Celebrate improvements in communication and role clarity.
  • Encourage Continued Development: Continue to support the team’s development by providing opportunities for further growth and collaboration.


Performing Stage


  • The team operates at a high level of efficiency.
  • Members work seamlessly together towards shared goals.

How Team Compass Report may reflect dynamics of Performing:

  • Purpose and Strategy Alignment: Expect high scores as team goals are well-aligned with individual objectives.
  • Performance Improvement & Decision-Making: High ratings in performance improvement and decision-making as the team is operating effectively.
  • Change Management: The team adapts well to changes and challenges.

How to Use the Report:

  • Sustain Performance: Use the insights to identify strengths and ensure that high performance is sustained. Recognize and reward achievements.
  • Optimize Processes: Look for areas where processes can be further optimized and continue to support innovation and efficiency.

Adjourning Stage


  • The team is wrapping up its activities and preparing to disband.
  • Reflects on achievements and experiences.

How Team Compass Report may reflect dynamics of Adjourning:

  • Team Cohesion & Morale: Scores may reflect a mix of satisfaction and a sense of loss as the team concludes its work.
  • Purpose and Strategy Alignment: Evaluate how well the team has achieved its goals and align future projects with the insights gained.

How to Use the Report:

  • Conduct a Debrief: Use the report to conduct a thorough debrief, acknowledging achievements and discussing lessons learned.

Prepare for Future Projects: Apply insights from the report to future teams or projects, using the experiences gained to improve team dynamics and performance.


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