Accelerate Your Learning and Development Strategy with Coaching at Scale

How can you identify and prepare emerging leaders, improve leadership performance across your organization, and advance DEI&B efforts while scaling your L&D strategy? 

It starts with human-centered leadership. (Don’t worry – it sounds more complicated than it is!)

That’s why you’re invited to this exclusive strategy workshop: Building Human-Centered Leaders to thrive in the new world of work.


Schedule Your Workshop

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During your customized workshop, our Coaching Impact Experts will provide you with the tools you need to:

  • Accelerate your L&D efforts to drive business results
  • Meet and stay ahead of constant change in the workplace
  • Drive cultural transformation centered around your people and their specific development needs
  • Attract and retain human-centered leaders at all levels of your organization in this competitive marketplace

Each session comes with a customized agenda based on your unique culture, questions, and concerns. You’ll leave with: 

  • A tailored blueprint to address your leadership challenges 
  • Details on how to measure outcomes with actionable data
  • A full report with your path to success clearly mapped out based on your specific priorities and goals. 
  • An action plan and materials to gain buy-in from stakeholders across the organization
Headshot, Alex-Prestia
“Investment in people is really what makes a huge difference in getting things moving forward. We all need that right now with how many uncertainties there are. Building a culture of coaching is such a valuable advantage for your organization.”
Alex Prestia HR Manager, Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Proud to Collaborate with Our Industry and Academic Partners