Leadership Development for Teams: Everything You Need to Know

What is Leadership Development in a Team Setting?

You've probably heard of leadership development for individuals, where the focus is on enhancing the skills, mindset, and capabilities of a single person to lead effectively.

This typically involves personalized coaching, skill-building workshops, and strategic thinking exercises aimed at preparing an individual to take on leadership roles and responsibilities. The goal is to cultivate qualities like decision-making, emotional intelligence, and vision setting, which are essential for guiding teams and organizations.

Leadership development for teams takes these principles and expands them out beyond the individual.

It's about creating an environment where leaders evolve together, and feel empowered to contribute their strengths, collaborate effectively, and drive the broader team towards common goals.

In a team setting, leadership development is about cultivating a shared vision, establishing trust, and fostering open communication among team members. It's about creating an environment where leaders evolve together, and feel empowered to contribute their strengths, collaborate effectively, and drive the broader team towards common goals.

Leadership development for teams involves understanding the dynamics of group interactions, the different roles and personalities within the team, and the ways in which team members can complement each other. The activities typically include team-building exercises, group workshops on communication and collaboration, and activities that build trust and mutual respect.

Most importantly: team-based leadership development works. According to a study by the Center for Creative Leadership, teams that receive structured leadership development report a 25% improvement in team performance and a 30% increase in team cohesion. Moreover, organizations that invest in team leadership development see a 22% increase in profitability.

How Does Leadership Development for Teams Differ to Leadership Development for Individuals?

Leadership development for teams shares many core principles, but differs from individual leadership development due to its collective focus. Let’s go over some key distinctions.

Focus on Collective Outcomes vs. Individual Growth

Individual leadership development often concentrates on enhancing personal competencies, skills, and growth. It aims to prepare an individual to take on leadership roles by developing attributes such as strategic thinking, emotional intelligence, and decision-making abilities.

Conversely, team leadership development emphasizes strengthening collaborative processes, building team cohesion, and achieving collective outcomes. The focus is on creating a unified team that works efficiently towards common goals, leveraging each member's strengths to foster a supportive and high-performing environment.

Personalized Coaching vs. Group Dynamics Alignment

Individual leadership development typically involves personalized coaching, one-on-one mentorship, and activities tailored to the person's career aspirations and personal growth objectives. It often includes self-assessment tools, individualized feedback, and personal development plans.

The goal is to enhance the team's collective skills and capabilities, ensuring that all members are working effectively together, and never in silos.

On the other hand, team leadership training is designed to align with group dynamics and shared objectives. It involves team-building exercises, group workshops, and collaborative activities that promote communication, trust, and mutual respect among team members. The goal is to enhance the team's collective skills and capabilities, ensuring that all members are working effectively together, and never in silos.

Research by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) shows that personalized coaching can boost individual performance by up to 70%, while team coaching can increase overall team performance by 25%.

Measuring Personal Milestones vs. Team Performance

The success of individual leadership development can be measured by personal achievements, such as career advancement, improved leadership skills, and increased confidence in decision-making.

In contrast, the success of team leadership development is reflected in improved team performance, enhanced collaborative efforts, and the achievement of shared goals. Key indicators include increased team productivity, better problem-solving capabilities, and a more cohesive and engaged team. The emphasis is on the collective achievements of the team rather than individual accomplishments.

A Gallup study found that highly engaged teams show 21% greater profitability and a 17% increase in productivity compared to disengaged teams.

Business Objectives through Teamwork vs. Personal Development

Individual coaching focuses on personal development, aiming to enhance the individual's leadership capabilities and career prospects. While ideally business impacts may occur as a result of improved individual performance (which is why companies pay for it!), the primary focus remains on personal growth and self-improvement.

The primary goal of team leadership development is to achieve business objectives through effective teamwork and collaboration; for teams to flourish and for the impact of this to cascade up through the whole org.

The primary goal of team leadership development is to achieve business objectives through effective teamwork and collaboration; for teams to flourish and for the impact of this to cascade up through the whole org. As teams work towards these objectives, they also learn about their development and improve their collaborative skills. This approach ensures that the team's efforts are aligned with the organization's strategic goals, leading to tangible business outcomes.

Key Criteria for Choosing an Effective Leadership Development Program

Studies by Deloitte indicate that companies with strong team leadership development programs see a 37% increase in their ability to respond to market changes and a 32% increase in innovation.

But what is a strong program? Selecting the right leadership development program for teams involves several considerations to ensure it meets the specific needs of your organization:

Curriculum Relevance

The curriculum should be aligned with the specific goals and challenges your teams face. Look for programs that incorporate established frameworks like Peter Hawkins’ five disciplines of team effectiveness. These disciplines—clarifying, commissioning, co-creating, connecting, and core learning—are designed to help teams align their objectives with organizational and stakeholder needs, enhance collaboration, and promote continuous learning and adaptation.

Tuckman’s stages of group development (forming, storming, norming, performing) and Belbin’s team roles are other good sources.

A good curriculum will be rooted in established expertise, and show clearly that the real world challenges of businesses are understood and targeted by the curriculum designers.

A good curriculum will be rooted in established expertise, and show clearly that the real world challenges of businesses are understood and targeted by the curriculum designers. Watch out for curriculums that were written and just given a light “facelift” to be appropriate for teams.

Instructor Expertise

The facilitators leading the program should have substantial experience in leadership and team development. Look for instructors with practical experience in leading teams, as well as academic credentials in organizational behavior or psychology.

Facilitators who have worked across various industries can provide diverse perspectives and real-world insights. Additionally, instructors should be skilled in using various training methodologies, such as experiential learning, coaching, and action learning, to cater to different learning styles.

You can do a lot of due diligence on LinkedIn. Find the names of the course facilitators and spend time on their LinkedIn pages, absorbing their content. Real experts will look like real experts.

Program Outcomes

An effective leadership development program for teams should outline clear objectives and provide metrics to assess progress. This includes both qualitative and quantitative measures, such as improvements in team cohesion, communication effectiveness, and overall team performance.

Programs that incorporate tools like 360-degree feedback, team performance assessments, and pre- and post-program evaluations can offer valuable insights into the program’s impact. You want programs that are clearly dedicated to offering quantifiable ROI.

Programs that use 360-degree feedback and team performance assessments show a 34% improvement in communication and collaboration within teams, according to a study by the American Management Association.

Focus on Practical Application

The best leadership development programs combine theory with practical application. Look for programs that include hands-on activities, such as simulations, role-playing, and real-world projects.

The best leadership development programs combine theory with practical application. Look for programs that include hands-on activities, such as simulations, role-playing, and real-world projects. These activities help participants apply what they have learned in a safe environment, enhancing their skills and confidence.

Programs that encourage participants to work on actual challenges faced by their teams can lead to immediate and tangible benefits. You want courses that are about the real world, not just thought experiments.

The AceUp Approach to Leadership Development for Teams

At AceUp, our approach to leadership development for teams is grounded in data-driven, human-centric methodologies designed to transform team dynamics and performance. Our unique solution, the Team Transformation Engine, empowers organizations to enhance their teams' potential using precise, research-backed tools.

We take the guesswork out of team development by offering a comprehensive suite of tools and analytics designed to drive real, measurable improvements. Our solution is tailored to address the unique challenges faced by modern teams, whether they are navigating post-succession restructuring, adapting to new business models, or striving to improve communication and collaboration.

We’ve been involved in team transformation for a long time, and our approach is not a cookie-cutter one. We root our team-based leadership development in what we’ve learned and refined over many years:

  • We build trust: Our methods foster high levels of trust and psychological safety within teams, crucial for effective collaboration.
  • We welcome change: We support teams in navigating changes in business strategy or operating structures, ensuring alignment and coherence.
  • We confront dysfunction: We offer solutions to identify and resolve team dysfunctions, promoting a healthier, more productive work environment.
  • We leverage AI where appropriate: Our model leverages AI-powered analytics to provide deep insights and actionable recommendations for team development:
  • We do the proper analysis: Through comprehensive skill assessments, we identify opportunities for reskilling and upskilling within teams.
  • We know how to assess teams: We use aggregated data and visual aids to assess and illustrate the health and performance of diverse team landscapes.

Our AI-driven, human-centered approach enhances teams’ potential and dynamics, driving a 61% increase in employee engagement.

Our AI-driven, human-centered approach enhances teams’ potential and dynamics, driving a 61% increase in employee engagement. Our research-backed framework assesses, identifies, and tracks core team dynamics, unlocking the full potential of teams across your organization.

We offer a quick and insightful survey for team leaders to understand what makes their teams excel. This tool helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, providing a foundation for targeted development efforts.

And if you want to go deeper, our experts are available to demonstrate how our approach can transform your organization, making it more adaptable, engaged, and resilient.