Real-Time Leadership with Carol Kauffman

On February 7th, we hosted our first-ever LinkedIn Live with AceUp CEO, Will Foussier, and #1 Leadership Coach and Author of Real-Time Leadership, Carol Kauffman, PhD.


Carol and Will shared personal stories relating to some pretty powerful leadership concepts during the live including:

  • The MOVE framework
  • How human-centered leadership and real-time leadership are intertwined
  • Making space to rise above your ego during times of stress


Feel like diving deeper? Be sure to order your hardcover copy of Real-Time Leadership: Find Your Winning Moves When the Stakes Are High.


Dr. Carol Kauffman

Carol Kauffman

Founding Director, Institute of Coaching at Harvard Medical School

Leadership Coach with 25 Years Experience Coaching | 40,000 hours of Client contact | Thinkers50 | MG100 Coaches | Author of “Real-Time Leadership: Find Your Winning Moves When the Stakes Are High”

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